we have found waves

Day 2 we arrived at Tim’s “love shack”, a small little house hidden in the Montauk botanical wilderness. About one third of the house is a garage filled with 21 surfboards. The wave gods have been good to us and since we have been here we are surfing every day. Sienna and Robinson love the beach and the ocean, they have this permanent smile on their face until they fall over and crash.
ready for a paddle

yesterday we had a 2:30 wakeup time, which meant we had to take turn entertaining the kids in pitch dark with card games, madagascar 2, reading books, telling stories of the princess with the large nose, eating cheerios, changing Tshirts. When light finally arrived it was raining so hard that it was a challenge to get to the car door which is five meters away from our flat. But once you are in your wetsuit, rain is beautiful. And the crowds in the water seem to stay home…

This morning I discovered a new taste adventure when I was randomly mixing fruit, let’s call it Montauk fruit salad:

mix a 5 cm slice of large papaya, half a bowl of blueberries, one nectarine, one grapefruit, half a banana, with a touch lime and enjoy…

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Categories: New York

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